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How to stay safe next time you travel?

How to stay safe next time you travel

It seems like we are still far from normal traveling during these pandemic days, but there are many of us who decide to travel anyways. For some, it may be a duty, to meet the closest friends and family, or to escape on a vacation trip which is needed for all of us. However the reasons, now more than ever you might be concerned about your own safety and health. In this post, we give you the main points on how to stay safe next time you travel.

Take short trips and plan a simple journey

During this time the best would be if you plan an easy and simple journey on shorter relations. Traveling by private car is the safest way to travel. You should definitely avoid public transport or other crowded transportation. Avoid traveling to big cities as much as possible and wear your mask whenever in public.

Check airlines

If you are traveling by plane, do it more safely. You should check the airline's guidelines about safety measurements, keep the social distance of a minimum 2 m, and keep the hygiene high and constant. Flying is an activity that brings you closer to people carrying more risk than driving a car. But the crowded security boarding areas should concern you more than the plane itself.

Pack your pandemic travel toolkit

Pack extra face masks to wear at the airport, on planes,s and in public, a pocket hand sanitizer, and a packet of disinfection wipes. As already mentioned avoid crowded places, don't touch your mouth, nose, and ears. Wash your hands regularly and be aware to use your mask properly, by covering your mouth and nose.

Order your mask now!

Practice good hygiene

Avoid touching different surfaces and disinfect your hands often. Make it in your habit to wash your hands regularly. Avoid using the public restrooms, and really use it only if it is a must.

Have a travel insurance

As every traveler, you need a plan. It is a bit critical time to be traveling and going to foreign countries. Be sure to find out if your healthcare plan or travel insurance covers COVID 19-related costs.

Here are some basic tips on how to stay safe next time you travel. Try to avoid large towns and small enclosed places. The best would be if you plan your trip in a place surrounded by nature which will give you the opportunity for many outdoor activities. Protect yourself and keep your hygiene to the highest level. Stay safe.

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Source: Lonely Planet , National Geographic